thinking out loud here.

Welcome to my humble space on the internet. Currently working on MLOps at Moneylion. Previously at Tapway as an AI Engineer, and ParcelDaily as the sole Backend Engineer, and at ViPr Lab as an Undergrad Research Assistant. I like distributed systems, machine learning infrastructure and algorithms.

platform engineering and socio-technical nature of hard engineering problems

so, what really is platform engineering? Although in startups its often non-existent, most larger companies have internal developer “platforms”, a platform is an abstration over the underlying infrastructure of a system so developers don’t have to know or worry about intricate details of underlying processes that doesn’t concern them. A platform can be for many things, for getting a service online, monitoring, storing large volumes of data, developing machine learning models, serving such models etc....

October 13, 2024

odd perspective of a 22 year old

people and their role in our lives Majority of my life I have been a rather reserved person, and less likely to be open to things outside my comfort zone. I have had a very large shift in my mindset regarding people, and how they shape us, this blog post describes the mindset I have grown over the last few months. major life events Over the last 1 year, there have been drastic changes in my life....

October 7, 2024